formatted metadata attributes of a given vicmap layer (vicmap_query(layer)). Metadata is retrieved from the Vicmap catalogue. data_citation() prints a BibTex style citation for a given record; similar to base::citation(). data_dictionary() returns a table with names, types and descriptions of the data within the selected layer (see details). get_metdata() returns a list with three elements, containing metadata, the data dictionary and the url of the metadata for the record.

data_citation(x = NULL, metadataID = NULL)

data_dictionary(x = NULL, metadataID = NULL)

get_metadata(x = NULL, metadataID = NULL)



Object of class vicmap_promise (likely passed from vicmap_query())


character: ID of data (useful if data is not available through WFS)


citation, data.frame or list


# \donttest{
data_citation(vicmap_query(layer = "datavic:VMHYDRO_WATERCOURSE_DRAIN"))
#> You are using old layer names. We converted your layer to hy_watercourse with a CQL filter of feature_type_code='watercourse_channel_drain'. To suppress this message, update your code to use the new layer names (see VicmapR::name_conversions for more details)
#> Error in attr_list[[feat]] : 
#>   attempt to select less than one element in get1index
# }
# \donttest{
data_dictionary(vicmap_query(layer = "datavic:VMHYDRO_WATERCOURSE_DRAIN"))
#> You are using old layer names. We converted your layer to hy_watercourse with a CQL filter of feature_type_code='watercourse_channel_drain'. To suppress this message, update your code to use the new layer names (see VicmapR::name_conversions for more details)
#> Error in attr_list[[feat]] : 
#>   attempt to select less than one element in get1index
# }
# \donttest{
get_metadata(vicmap_query(layer = "datavic:VMHYDRO_WATERCOURSE_DRAIN"))
#> You are using old layer names. We converted your layer to hy_watercourse with a CQL filter of feature_type_code='watercourse_channel_drain'. To suppress this message, update your code to use the new layer names (see VicmapR::name_conversions for more details)
#> Error in attr_list[[feat]] : 
#>   attempt to select less than one element in get1index
# }