Justin's Code Blog

Greater Gliders in Wombat State Forest

Using Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling to Estimate Abundance and Distribution of Greater Gliders in Wombat State Forest and Lerderderg State Park

Deer Monitoring Data Quality Statewide Surveys By Wildlife Unlimited


A data quality assessment of statewide deer monitoring data in 2023

CTDS For Groups

Accounting for variable group sizes when determining availability of individuals during camera trap distance sampling (CTDS) more accurately predicts detection-level parameters and thus more accurately estimates abundance.

Feral Cat Bait Analysis

Investigating the longevity of baits and the response of cats and other species when encountering the bait

Monitoring deer distribution, abundance and impacts across Victoria


Supplementary Material (R code and figures) for the occupancy analysis of Sambar Deer

Double Observer Distance Sampling in STAN

Double observer distance sampliung coded up in STAN

East Gippsland koala population surveys

Double-observer surveys in areas of East Gippsland predicted to harbour koala populations

Deer Monitoring Data Quality


A data quality assessment of statewide deer monitoring data

Effect of Fire and Predation across the Southern Ark

An analysis of native species and introduced predator occupancy at Southern Ark monitoring sites before and after the 2019/2020 fires.

Southern Ark hair tube and camera monitoring

An analysis of camera trap and hairtube data from Southern Ark sites in East Gippsland between 2008-2011 and 2017

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Justin’s Code Blog


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